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安全合规(Prowler 规则)⚓︎

Github 项目地址:riskscanner/prowler

一、Prowler 是什么⚓︎

Prowler 是一个命令行工具,可帮助您进行 AWS 安全评估、审计、强化和事件响应。

它遵循 CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark(49 项检查)的指导方针,并有 100 多项额外检查,包括与 GDPR、HIPAA、PCI-DSS、ISO-27001、FFIEC、SOC2 等相关的检查。

二、Prowler 使用⚓︎

工具使用: ./prowler -h



prowler [ -p <profile> -r <region>  -h ]


选项标签 描述信息
-p specify your AWS profile to use (i.e.: default)
-r specify an AWS region to direct API requests to (i.e.: us-east-1), all regions are checked anyway if the check requires it
-c specify one or multiple check ids separated by commas, to see all available checks use -l option (i.e.: check11 for check 1.1 or extra71,extra72 for extra check 71 and extra check 72)
-g specify a group of checks by id, to see all available group of checks use -L (i.e.: group3 for entire section 3, cislevel1 for CIS Level 1 Profile Definitions or forensics-ready)
-f specify an AWS region to run checks against (i.e.: us-west-1 or for multiple regions use single quote like 'us-west-1 us-west-2')
-m specify the maximum number of items to return for long-running requests (default: 100)
-M output mode: text (default), mono, html, json, json-asff, junit-xml, csv. They can be used combined comma separated. (separator is ,; data is on stdout; progress on stderr).
-k keep the credential report
-n show check numbers to sort easier (i.e.: 1.01 instead of 1.1)
-l list all available checks only (does not perform any check). Add -g to only list checks within the specified group
-L list all groups (does not perform any check)
-e exclude group extras
-E execute all tests except a list of specified checks separated by comma (i.e. check21,check31)
-b do not print Prowler banner
-s show scoring report
-S send check output to AWS Security Hub - only valid when the output mode is json-asff (i.e. -M json-asff -S)
-x specify external directory with custom checks (i.e. /my/own/checks, files must start by check)
-q suppress info messages and passing test output
-A account id for the account where to assume a role, requires -R and -T (i.e.: 123456789012)
-R role name to assume in the account, requires -A and -T (i.e.: ProwlerRole)
-T session duration given to that role credentials in seconds, default 1h (3600) recommended 12h, requires -R and -T (i.e.: 43200)
-I External ID to be used when assuming roles (not mandatory), requires -A and -R
-w whitelist file. See whitelist_sample.txt for reference and format (i.e.: whitelist_sample.txt)
-N Shoadan API key used by check extra7102.
-o Custom output directory, if not specified will use default prowler/output, requires -M (i.e.: -M csv -o /tmp/reports/)
-B Custom output bucket, requires -M and it can work also with -o flag. (i.e.: -M csv -B my-bucket or -M csv -B my-bucket/folder/)
-F Custom output report name, if not specified will use default output/prowler-output-ACCOUNT_NUM-OUTPUT_DATE
-V show version number & exit
-h this help

三、Prowler 工具扫描⚓︎

